Heartbreaking Scene: Loyal Dog Waits for a Week, Hoping for Its Owner’s Return.

A young pit bull pup, just two years old, had no idea that when his previous owner took him outside to dispose of some unwanted items, it would also mean they were getting rid of him. In the winter of December 2016, Ollie-Loo, a cute pit bull mix, was left all alone and stranded by his owner who had moved to a new residence without him. Unaware of his abandonment, Ollie-Loo waited for multiple days at the same spot where he was left behind.

Detroit’s winter season can be brutal, with temperatures plummeting below zero degrees during the night. Despite the harsh weather conditions, Ollie-Loo remained steadfast in his spot, waiting patiently for his owner’s return. Fortunately, Ollie-Loo was rescued just in time for Christmas after concerned individuals contacted the Detroit Animal Welfare Group (DAWG). Volunteers from the animal rescue organization, led by Terri Looby, acted swiftly to retrieve the abandoned dog.

During an interview with The Dodo, Looby recounted the heartwarming moment when she and her colleague stumbled upon Ollie-Loo hiding under some boxes for warmth. Upon hearing their approach, the pit bull lifted his head and made his way towards them, wagging his tail with excitement. Looby reassured the pup, calling him “baby” and urging him to come closer. The neglected dog had been left outside for over a week after his owner was evicted from their residence. His previous owner abandoned him and another small dog but returned only for the latter. According to Looby’s account, Ollie-Loo may have gone days without eating, as he eagerly jumped into the backseat of their car upon catching a whiff of food.

Looby recounted how Olli-Loo eagerly sniffed the chicken patty she had brought along, and upon being given the go-ahead, quickly snatched it up. Despite enduring the harsh Detroit winter after being abandoned, Olli-Loo was found to have only suffered a broken femur and no other health issues.

After being taken to the animal shelter, he had to undergo a surgical procedure. Looby expressed gratitude that Ollie-Loo was able to adjust comfortably to his new environment when a new owner adopted him shortly after his rescue.

According to Looby, Ollie-Loo is an affectionate and cheerful puppy who only desires a caring family that won’t treat him poorly and abandon him like worthless garbage.

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