Heartrending Scene: Grief-Stricken Dog Mourns Owner at Funeral with Human-Like Sobs.

Belinha stayed by Maria’s side during her long battle with cancer in Brazil and provided her with comfort and support until Maria passed away earlier this month. The loyal dog’s constant companionship helped lift Maria’s spirits in times of worsening health.

According to Dionsio Neto’s online statement, his mother Maria had referred to Belinha as her nurse, and praised her for being an incredibly loyal friend.

Belinha’s significance in Maria’s life was immense, so it was only expected that she would attend the funeral service. With a heavy heart, Belinha joined the rest of her family members, realizing the weight of the sorrowful occasion.

What happened next left a deep impression on Maria’s son. Belinha surprised everyone by staying close to Maria throughout the entire service, just as she always had when Maria was alive. Neto was moved by this display of affection and wanted to capture the moment in a photograph, noting that animals truly embody unconditional love.

After the wedding, Belinha couldn’t stop crying and was frequently wailing because her best friend Maria was no longer there. To make her feel better, Neto and some family members decided to take Belinha to visit Maria’s new home, hoping it would offer her some comfort. This visit seemed to calm Belinha down.

Belinha, a dog, escaped her leash while at the cemetery and ran straight to Maria’s grave, even though she had never been there before. This act reaffirmed the unbreakable bond between Maria and her furry companion, as noted by Neto in an interview with Estadão. He stated that his mother’s love extended beyond humans and that her relationship with Belinha proved that animal love is more potent than some people imagine, teaching him even in death.

Over time, Belinha will find solace in the thought that Maria is always close by, and her heart will slowly start to mend. With Neto providing a permanent home for Belinha, she can take comfort in knowing that she won’t have to endure the pain of loss all on her own.

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